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Saint Gregory the Great Catholic School

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A criminal background search is required by the Archdiocese of San Antonio for any individual that will work or volunteer with minors. All  volunteers must be in compliance with the Archdiocesan policy on criminal background checks.  Any individual who has not been issued a "clearance" status may not begin to work or volunteer on our campus.


In addition to the completion of the background search, all volunteers will be required to complete the Virtus training, also mandated by the Archdiocese of San Antonio. 


All volunteers must complete the following:

  • Criminal Background Search
  • Read and Acknowledge the "Code of Conduct" 
  • *Sexual Harassment Training Session
  • *Protecting God's Children Training Session
  • *Vulnerable Adult Training Session


At the completion of the three required sessions (indicated by *), please forward your certificates of completion to stgcommunication@stgregorys.net


We ask that you visit the Virtus website by clicking the link below in order to complete the required tasks. 




  • Click on "First Time Registrant"
  • Begin the Registration Process
  • Select: San Antonio, TX (Archdiocese)
  • Have you previously registered?: Select "No"
  • Create a USER ID and PASSWORD

Be sure to select "Adult On-Line Training"; this will allow you to complete the training sessions on-line.


Thank you for your understanding and cooperation in completing these requirements.


Click here: Virtus Online

FAMILY VOLUNTEER PROGRAM (Service Hours): Volunteerism is vital to the success of the St.
Gregory the Great community. Therefore, each family of a St. Gregory the Great student is required to donate a minimum of fifteen volunteer credits (1 credit = 1 hour) each school year or compensate the school monetarily ($10 per uncompleted credit). Families who enroll later in the
year will have their credits prorated. The school encourages and applauds a family’s support of the community at large; however, all acceptable service credits must come from service to St. Gregory the Great School/Parish. * Postponed: In addition, each parent is required to contribute
a minimum of 1.5 hours for each of the following events: Halloween Festival and Fiesta de la Familia.

8th grade parents must give 4 hours of the required 15 to the Catholic School Week (CSW) lunch fundraiser, or will be billed for the hours. Friends and other family members are allowed to earn service credits for a family.

The St. Gregory the Great Catholic School Administration is responsible for monitoring and counting the volunteer credits. Service hours should be logged on RENWEB by parents/guardians as they are completed. Failure to accumulate, properly document, and submit fifteen credits for each family by the due dates will result in an additional fee per credit that is not completed. Fees will be assessed within two weeks of the due date. 

Click Here for instructions on how to log your hours in FACTS SIS (Renweb)